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I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who lived but Christ lives in me. And the life which I now lived in the flesh I lived by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave His life for me. (Galatians 2:20)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

my fishes

Fish: "Add a touch of nature to your page with these hungry little fish. Watch them as they follow your mouse hoping you will feed them by clicking the surface of the water."

Monday, August 8, 2011

hahaist... Grabeh, halos perme na lang jud nako masugat.an iyang ngan... God, please help me to overcome this... habang tumatagal, di ko na maintindihan bakit ganun.... Awh??? pagblogge rmo please! hehehe

Quiz 9 - Computer Security and Safety, Ethics, and Privacy

1. Define the term, computer security risks, and briefly describe the types
of cybercrime perpetrators: hacker, cracker, script kiddie, corporate spy,
unethical employee, cyberextortionist, and cyberterrorist. 


Computer security is a branch of computer technology known as Information Security as applied to computers and networks. The objective of computer security includes protection of information and property from theft, corruption, or natural disaster, while allowing the information and property to remain accessible and productive to its intended users. 
Cybercrime Perpetrators

Hacker refers to a computer programmer who is able to create usable computer programs where none previously existed. 

Cracker is a variation of hacker, with the analogy equal to a safe cracker. Some individuals use the term cracker in an attempt to differentiate from the honorable computer programmer definition of hacker.

Script kiddy is an individual who executes computer scripts and programs written by others. Their motive is to hack a computer by using someone else’s software. Examples include password decryption programs and automated access utilities. 

Corporate Spy - have excellent computer and networking skills and are hired to break into a specific computer and steal its proprietary data and information.

Unethical employee - break into their employers' computer for a variety of reasons. Some simply want to exploit security weakness.
Cyberextortionist - is someone who uses e-mail as a vehicle for extortion. These perpetrator s send an organization a threatening e-mail message indicating they will expose confidential information, exploit a security flaw, or launch an attack that will compromise the organization s network - if they are not paid of a sum of money.

Cyber-terrorist - a programmer who breaks into computer systems in order to steal or change or destroy information as a form of cyber-terrorism.

2. Describe various types of Internet and network attacks (computer viruses,
worms, Trojan horses, rootkits, botnets, denial of service attacks, back
doors, and spoofing), and identify ways to safeguard against these attacks,
including firewalls, intrusion detection software, and honeypots. 


A computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer. The term "virus" is also commonly but erroneously used to refer to other types of malware, including but not limited to adware and spyware programs that do not have the reproductive ability.

A computer worm is a self-replicating malware computer program, which uses a computer network to send copies of itself to other nodes (computers on the network) and it may do so without any user intervention.

Trojan horse, or Trojan, is a destructive program that masquerades as an application. The software initially appears to perform a desirable function for the user prior to installation and/or execution, but (perhaps in addition to the expected function) steals information or harms the system. Unlike viruses or worms, Trojan horses do not replicate themselves, but they can be just as destructive.

3. Discuss techniques to prevent unauthorized computer access and use 


Some ways to prevent anuathorized computer access and use by disabling the file, folder and printer sharing on internet connection. use a user name with unique combination of characters that identifies user and make a password this is a private combination of characters associated with the user name that allows access to computer resources. aside from that ypou can also use a biometric device this is to authenticates person's identity using personal characteristics like fingerprints, hand geometry, voice, signature and iris.

4. Identify safeguards against hardware theft and vandalism

Hardware theft is the act of stealing computer equipment. Hardware vandalism is the act of defacing or destroying computer equipment. The best preventive measures against hardware theft and vandalism are common sense and a constant awareness of the risk. Physical devices and practical security measures, such as locked doors and windows, can help protect equipment. Passwords, possessed objects, and biometrics can reduce the risk of theft or render a computer useless if it is stolen.

5. Explain the ways software manufacturers protect against software piracy. 

Software piracy is the unauthorized and illegal duplication of copyrighted software. To protect themselves from software piracy, manufacturers issue a license agreement and require product activation.

6. Discuss how encryption works, and explain why it is necessary 

Encryption prevents information theft and unauthorized access by converting readable data into unreadable characters. To read the data, a recipient must decrypt, or decipher, it into a readable form. An encryption algorithm, or cypher, converts readable plaintext into unreadable cipher text. Encryption is used to protect information on the Internet and networks.

7. Discuss the types of devices available that protect computers from system failure 

A system failure is the prolonged malfunction of a computer. A common cause of system failure is an electrical power variation such as noise, an undervoltage, or an overvoltage. A surge protector, also called a surge suppressor, uses special electrical components to smooth out minor noise, provide a stable current flow, and keep an overvoltage from reaching the computer and other electronic equipment. An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) contains surge protection circuits and one or more batteries that can provide power during a temporary loss of power.

8. Explain the options available for backing up computer resources.

A backup is a duplicate of a file, program, or disk that can be used to restore the file if the original is lost, damaged, or destroyed. Users can opt for a full backup or a selective backup. Some users implement a three-generation backup policy that preserves three copies of important files: the grandparent, the parent, and the child. Others use RAID or continuous backup. Most operating systems and backup devices include a backup program.

9. Identify risks and safeguards associated with wireless communications. 

A backup is a duplicate of a file, program, or disk that can be used to restore the file if the original is lost, damaged, or destroyed. Users can opt for a full backup or a selective backup. Some users implement a three-generation backup policy that preserves three copies of important files: the grandparent, the parent, and the child. Others use RAID or continuous backup. Most operating systems and backup devices include a backup program.

10. Discuss ways to prevent health-related disorders and injuries due to
computer use. 


A computer-related repetitive strain injury (RSI) can include tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Another health-related condition is eyestrain associated with computer vision syndrome (CVS). To prevent health-related disorders, take frequent breaks, use precautionary exercises and techniques, and use ergonomics when planning the workplace. Computer addiction occurs when the computer consumes someone's entire social life.

11 Recognize issues related to information accuracy, intellectual property
rights, codes of conduct, and green computing. 


Computer ethics govern the use of computers and information systems. Issues in computer ethics include the responsibility for information accuracy and the intellectual property rights to which creators are entitled for their works. An IT (information technology) code of conduct helps determine whether a specific computer action is ethical or unethical. Green computing reduces the electricity and environmental waste while using a computer.

12 Discuss issues surrounding information privacy, including electronic
profiles, cookies, spyware and adware, spam, phishing, privacy laws, social
engineering, employee monitoring, and content filtering.


Information privacy is the right of individuals and companies to deny or restrict the collection and use of information about them. Issues surrounding information privacy include the following. An electronic profile combines data about an individual's Web use with data from public sources, which then is sold. A cookie is a file that a Web server stores on a computer to collect data about the user. Spyware is a program placed on a computer that secretly collects information about the user. Adware is a program that displays an online advertisement in a banner or pop-up window. Spam is an unsolicited e-mail message or newsgroup posting sent to many recipients or newsgroups at once. Phishing is a scam in which a perpetrator attempts to obtain personal or financial information. The concern about privacy has led to the enactment of many federal and state laws regarding the disclosure of data. As related to the use of computers, social engineering is defined as gaining unauthorized access or obtaining confidential information by taking advantage of the trusting human nature of some victims and the naivety of others. Employee monitoring uses computers to observe, record, and review an employee's computer use. Content filtering restricts access to certain materials on the Web.  

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Quiz 8 - Database Management

1. Define the term, database, and explain how a database interacts with data and information.

A database is an organized collection of data for one or more purposes, usually in digital form. The data are typically organized to model relevant aspects of reality (for example, the availability of rooms in hotels), in a way that supports processes requiring this information (for example, finding a hotel with vacancies).

2. Describe file maintenance techniques (adding records, modifying records, deleting records) and validation techniques.

File Maintenance  refers to the procedures that keep data current.
- Adding Records users add new records to a file when they obtain new data Disc
- Modifying Records users modify a record to correct inaccurate data or update old data
- Deleting Records When a record no longer is needed, a user deletes it from a file
- Validation Techniques compares data with a set of rules or values to find out if the data is correct  

  • Alphabetic/Numeric check
  • Range check
  • Consistency check
  • Completeness check
  • Check digit
  • Other checks

3. Discuss the terms character, field, record, and file.

Character - Eight bits grouped together in a unit form a byte, and each byte represents a single character, which can be a number, letter, space, punctuation mark, or other symbol.
Field - is a combination of one or more related characters and is the smallest unit of data a user accesses.
Record - is a group of related fields.
File - is a collection of related records stored on a storage medium.

4. Discuss the functions common to most database management systems: data dictionary, file retrieval and maintenance, data security, and backup and recovery.
Data dictionary, or metadata repository, as defined in the IBM Dictionary of Computing, is a "centralized repository of information about data such as meaning, relationships to other data, origin, usage, and format.
File maintenance - refers to the procedures that keep data current. It include adding records when new data is obtained, modifying records to correct inaccurate data or to update old data with new data, and deleting records when they no longer are needed.  
Backup - is the copy of the database.
Recovery Utility - uses the logs and/or backups to restore the database.

5. Differentiate between a file processing approach and the database approach.

File processing approach - each department or area within an organization has its own set of data files.
Database Approach -Many programs and users share the data in a database. Reduces data redundancy, improves data integrity, shares data, permits easier access, and reduces development time.

6. Describe characteristics of relational, object-oriented, and multidimensional databases.
Relational Database - is a database that stores data in tables that consist of rows and columns. Each row has a primary key and each column has a unique name.
Object - oriented database (OODB) - stores data in objects. An object is an item that contains data, as well as the actions that read or process the data.
Multidimensional database - stores data in dimensions and can store more than two dimensions of data.

7. Explain how to access Web databases.

Web database  database you can access through web by filing in a form in a web page.
A Web database links to a form on a Web page. To access data in a Web database, you fill on the form or enter search text on a Web page. A Web database usually resides on a database server, which is a computer that store and provides access to a database

8. Define the term, computer security risks, and briefly describe the types of cybercrime perpetrators: hacker, cracker, script kiddie, corporate spy, unethical employee, cyberextortionist, and cyberterrorist.

Computer security is a branch of computer technology known as Information Security as applied to computers and networks. The objective of computer security includes protection of information and property from theft, corruption, or natural disaster, while allowing the information and property to remain accessible and productive to its intended users. 
Cybercrime Perpetrators

Hacker refers to a computer programmer who is able to create usable computer programs where none previously existed. 

Cracker is a variation of hacker , with the analogy equal to a safe cracker. Some individuals use the term cracker in an attempt to differentiate from the honorable computer programmer definition of hacker.

Script kiddy is an individual who executes computer scripts and programs written by others. Their motive is to hack a computer by using someone else’s software. Examples include password decryption programs and automated access utilities.

Corporate Spy - have excellent computer and networking skills and are hired to break into a specific computer and steal its proprietary data and information.

Unethical employee - break into their employers' computer for a variety of reasons. Some simply want to exploit security weakness.

Cyberextortionist - is someone who uses e-mail as a vehicle for extortion. These perpetrator s send an organization a threatening e-mail message indicating they will expose confidential information, exploit a security flaw, or launch an attack that will compromise the organization s network - if they are not paid of a sum of money.

Cyber-terrorist - a programmer who breaks into computer systems in order to steal or change or destroy information as a form of cyber-terrorism.

9. Identify database design guidelines and discuss the responsibilities of database analysts and administrators.

Database Analysts and Database Administrators are responsible for managing and coordinating all database activities. 

Database Analysts (DA) - focuses on the meaning and usage of data. The DA decides on the placement of fields, defines the relationships among data, and identifies user's access privilege.

Database Administrators (DBA) requires a more technical inside view of the data. The DBA creates and maintains the data dictionary, manages data security, monitors database performance, and checks backup and recovery procedures

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